imp Featured in AARP'S Smart Home Innovation Event

the imp landline call-filtering system is right at home in AARP's Smart Home Event

We are excited to announce that imp has been chosen to participate in AARP's Smart Home Innovation Event, hosted by AARP's Innovation Labs.

Throughout the year, the AARP Innovation Labs hosts a variety of “pitch” events showcasing interesting and promising startups. The panel looks for businesses that are focused on finding different solutions that will empower people in how they live as they age and stay connected with their community.

Smart Home products for a Safer, More Sustainable home

imp was chosen among a handful of other businesses offering innovative solutions to the challenges that can arise when creating and maintaining a safe and comfortable home environment. 

These companies include:

  • Ome on their smart knobs for stoves that ensure cooking isn’t a safety hazard
  • Wave Therapeutics on their dynamic cushions for wheelchairs and beds that reduce painful and deadly sores for sedentary older adults
  • SenterCare on their smart proprietary sensors that learn a resident’s normal ADL behavior patterns and trigger preventive health notifications and emergency alerts
  • Livindi on their connected home system that keeps older adults, loved ones, and care teams in touch with continuous monitoring along with a friendly and engaging family hub

Technology is advancing to help our older population

While many Americans are striving to stay in their homes, or “age in place,” there is an increased opportunity to identify and discover ways that would add to the safety and quality of home life.

For example, Labrador Systems has created an assistive robot that retrieves and carries items around the home as an ‘extra set of hands’ so that older adults who have chronic pain or mobility issues can continue doing activities they enjoy on their own

What about those potentially dangerous (but always annoying) spam calls?

Fear not, landliners - imp to the rescue!

This AARP Smart Home Event is a great opportunity to highlight the scope of the nearly 1 billion calls placed to landlines every week as well as how imp stops all of them. George, the founder and President of imp, will share insights from our Landline Landscape Report while detailing how the imp system can benefit the 40 million landline households in the US.

Knowing that each installed imp system can help keep families safe from predatory spam calls and frankly, the irritation of the constant ringing from the barrage of these unwanted calls, is a strong and powerful message.

To watch the event, register for Free Tickets here.